
Monday, May 25, 2020

How to repair a damp internal wall and external walls


Damp walls have to do with water that enters the wall underneath paintwork. The only way that this will happen is when the paint fails to protect the wall. Small cracks form on the paint surface when attacked by UV rays. Normally when painting that was not suited for UV attack is painted on an external wall or damp gets to the inside of a wall from the outside.

Description of the condition of the property

The property has a lot of paint flaking going on. this most properly because of the use of unfit paint or was left for too long before replacement.


The sun's UV rays caused the paint to perish. This is what happens when cheaper or unsalted paint is used. Cracks form on the surface and water seeps in.

Possible outcome

Not attending to the problem one finds that water will enter and damage the wall to the extent that plastering is compromised. Cracks let water in and the plaster will separate and mould will start growing. This has not only the effect that replacing the plaster is expensive but it also has health consequences.


All loose paint needs to be scraped from the wall. Sanding down the service or using a wire brush to smooth down the surface. Fill all cracks and sand it down again. Apply damp proofing and finish off with a decent coat of paint.

Decision with customer/owner

After a lengthy discussion with the owner, the green light was given. Work could commence.

Work done 

Because there is no damage to plastering we must scrape all paint from the wall. Sand it down or use a wire brush to speed up the process. A ruff surface is needed to apply damp proofing but before that, all cracks must be filled and sanded down. Now we apply damp proofing to protect the plasterwork. Finally, fresh high-quality UV paint is applied.
Damp-proofing on the exterior and interior walls.
Damp-proofing on the exterior and interior walls.

Damp-proofing of the exterior walls.
Damp-proofing of the exterior walls.

Damp-proofing and painting of the exterior walls.
Damp-proofing and painting of the exterior walls.


The preparation of all surfaces went well. All cracks were filled, the walls damp proofed to prevent water damage and the application of a good coat of UV paint for protection. It was time for the owner to take possession. A Property to surely be proud of.


The property that was fast deteriorating was saved. Occupants can feel safe living in this now well-maintained home.

Damp proofing, waterproofing and wall coating done by TREMCO
Visit site OR Call 0732708270

Friday, May 22, 2020

Waterproofing flat roof


The property gets a full blast of sunshine daily which means that membranes and paint
covering will deteriorate faster than roofs that get a little shade from trees and will need roof
repairs. A flat roof has a very low angle of descent and if not sealed properly the damage that
may occur can be huge. Needless to say that it will cost a substantial amount of money.

Description of the condition of the property

This flat roof went on not getting the proper care for years. Luckily, not all roof screws came
loose and thus minimal water damage occurred.


Here we have a case where waterproofing for this flat roof was urgently needed. The property
gets a full blast of sunshine daily which means that membranes and paint covering will
deteriorate faster than roofs that get a little shade from trees. The roof's previous membrane
was cracked and showed signs of water seeping in. Being a flat roof, dust accumulated on
top of it and together with rain damp will form on the roof causing a lot of damage. The
exterior walls show signs of weather and moisture damage.

Possible outcome

As time goes by a roof that gathers moisture will start to rust away which means the roof will
fail to keep the weather out. As can be seen on the exterior walls, mould will grow and
compromise the health of all that stay within.

Suggestion to remedy the situation

It was suggested that the roof must be cleaned properly and all loose fasteners are replaced.
Then the roof can be waterproofed and painted. Exterior walls also need damp proofing and

Decision with customer/owner 

The owner opted to have the roof fixed first. He will, as finances allow, at a later date attend
to the waterproofing and painting of walls.

Work which was done 

Cleaning of the roof involved the blasting of dust particles off the roof with a high power hose.
Inspection on the fasteners and replacement where necessary followed. Only then was it
possible to waterproof flashing, fasteners and plumbers vents. A few coats of UV resistant
paint sealed the roof properly to protect it from the weather.
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting

Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting

Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting

Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting

Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting

Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Flat roof repairs, waterproofing and painting


The roof is now correctly waterproofed and painted. the owner can rest assured that it will
protect the occupants for many a year. Tremco guarantees the workmanship and material for
a period of five years.
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painted
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting


The roof was cleaned, waterproofed and painted. The owner and his family can now feel
safe under a properly maintained roof.

Another successful roof was done by Tremco. We do it right.
Visit OR Call 0732708270

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Tile roof waterproofing


Roof maintenance is an ongoing process. The weather deteriorates a property and one needs
to keep one's hand on it.


This property was not in a too bad situation. It needed a waterproofing touch and a fresh
a layer of paint.


Waterproofing started to crack and lift up. If the left opening for the rain to enter and
deterioration of the roof. 

Possible outcome

When water enters a roof the structure will fail and mould will grow. Leaving the situation as it
is will cause huge expenses to occur. Mould growing in the roof will have medical
consequences. This will have huge financial expenses.


The old defective waterproofing must be removed. Replace with a fresh waterproofing
membrane to seal the roof. Paint the roof to protect it.


The owner agreed for the work to proceed.

Work done

Clean the roof of all dust and lose paint. Remove cracked waterproofing and replace with
french waterproofing. Paint the roof with high-quality UV resistant paint.
Waterproofing tile roof
Waterproofing tile roof

Tile roof waterproofed
Tile roof waterproofed


After the roof was newly waterproofed and painted the property is now well protected for
its occupants.


The contractor removed the redundant waterproofing and renewed it. The waterproofed house
is a pleasure to stay in now. 

To have your property waterproofed call 0732708270

Monday, May 18, 2020

Waterproofing a flat roof - Badly neglected IBR flat roof in The Reeds


The client just bought this property with a badly neglected Ibr flat roof in The Reeds and the roof urgently needed some TLC. As part of the sales agreement, the cost of restoring the roof would come out of the sales price. In order to be fair to both parties, the roof was thoroughly inspected.


On close inspection, the consultant reported that it was badly rusted because the roof was since the construction of the property never painted. It was apparent that quite a lot of fasteners worked themselves loose and it might even be that the roof structure was compromised. Unfortunately, a flat roof does not lend itself thereto that the structure could be inspected. Furthermore, fascia boards were missing


Having to work on a badly neglected roof is very challenging. As soon as one starts problems jump at you one after the other. Here is not only a rusted roof but it could be that it's not only on the surface. Then the wooden structure could be not up to standard anymore because of fasteners that worked themselves loose.

Possible outcome

Having loose fasteners like this will let water into the roof. One will find an accumulation of damp witch compromise the ceiling boards and electrical wiring inside. Letting the situation go on this way one will find that mould will start growing inside the roof (all because of the moisture). This leads to medical expenses, the imploding of the roof and eventually, the building is at risk.

Suggestion to remedy the situation

The suggestion was that all rust be removed and fasteners replaced where necessary. IBR sheets not salvageable must be replaced. A coat of rust repellent paint (also called Anti Rust paint) must be applied to the whole roof and not just the affected areas. Only then can fasteners, joints and plumbers' vents be waterproofed with membrane cloth. A good coat of UV resistant paint can finish off the job.

Decision with customer/owner

Because of the situation, the roof was in the parties had no choice but to agree.

Work done 

After thoroughly cleaning and removing all surface rust (luckily it was only that), the fasteners could be tackled. We were able to do that without having to replace any wooden structure. A good application of rust repellent pint followed in order to stop rust from reappearing. Each and every fastener, as well as all joints and plumbers vents, were waterproofed with the membrane. The final stage was to apply a couple of layers of UV resistant paint to finish the whole process.

Rusted IBR flat roof
Rusted IBR flat roof
Rusted IBR flat roof, loose roof screw
Rusted IBR flat roof, loose roof screw
Waterproofed and painted flat roof
Waterproofed and painted flat roof 

Waterproofed and painted flat IBR roof
Waterproofed and painted flat IBR roof


A well-executed plan always leads to a better than expected result. Here it's no different, the roof was saved from complete redone and came out perfect. It will definitely withstand the weather for quite some time.


After thoroughly cleaning and de-rusting the roof it was apparent that it still had some life in it. Waterproofing a flat roof is a gigantic task in itself but after painting it with UV repellent paint of the new owner's choice of colour it is good to go for a long time. The occupants can now enjoy their new residence and feel safe under a properly maintained roof.

Tremco's highly qualified team used the three golden rules: Preparation - Application and Product = 100% Perfection.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Waterproofing tile roof - Harvey tile roof in Centurion


The roof forms a central part of a property. It is important to have it taken good care of or it will deteriorate and fail. Waterproofing is one of these maintenance tasks of a roof if neglected it will cause huge financial expense and you might not be in the position to do so.


Roof structures deteriorate over time and that is a fact. Bugs, eating wood make a feast out of the timber and it is also a possibility that wood will rot. Entering the roof it was found that the roof structure is damaged.


Because of the weakening of the timber the roof structure is compromised. Tiles are beginning sag, that means that openings between them started to occur. Water is entering the roof with rain and cause unnecessary damage.

Possible outcome

The roof timber will rot as soon as water enters the roof structure and the forming of mould is unavoidable. When left like this it will lead to the replacement of the roof later. Living in the vicinity of mould, on the other hand, has medical consequences. Both of these scenarios will be costly to rectify.

Suggestion to remedy the situation

The roof needs to be opened by removing the tiles where the roof must be worked on. Attaching timber to the affected roof structure will strengthen it. Waterproof and paint the roof.

Decision with customer/owner

There was an agreement reached whereby the suggested repairs could be carried out.

Work is undertaken

Clean the roof surface by removing all dust and debris with a high-pressure hose.
Remove roof tiles in order to get to the defective roof structure.
Replace defective roof battens and strengthen the defective truss timber.
Attach the Harvey tiles to the roof.
Waterproof the ridges, valleys, plumbers vents and where each tile joints.
Painting with UV resistant paint.

Waterproofing valley
Waterproofing valley

Sail protection
Sail protection

Waterproofing roof tiles
Waterproofing roof tiles
Waterproofing and painting tile roof
Waterproofing and painting tile roof


Repairs to the roof structure strengthened it and waterproofing as well as a new coat of paint seal the roof. The property now meets its purpose, a shelter against the weather and also looks good.


With the much-needed repairs and waterproofing completed the property is well protected against the weather. The occupant can feel safe and enjoy the property.

Contact us if you also need any roof repair, waterproofing or painting of your property. Call 0732708270

Monday, May 11, 2020

Waterproofing concrete roof


Concrete roofs have a tendency to hold water and puddles form when it does not have a
proper runoff. When not protected with waterproofing water will enter the concrete slab and
mould will form. Newly laid concrete roofs must be waterproofed and the waterproofing
maintained. If not looking after, waterproofing systems will crack and lift off the slab. Now,
water underneath the waterproofing damages the slab and forms mould.     


This concrete roof was left for too long without any proper maintenance. The waterproofing
system is failing as a result of the attack of Uv beams. It is cracked and starts to lift from the
slab leaving a pocket for water to accumulate. Mould is forming and some interior water
damage in the building is apparent. This is as a result of the deterioration of the old
waterproofing system. 
Old damaged waterproofing
Old damaged waterproofing

Damaged waterproofing
Damaged waterproofing
Removing old waterproofing
Removing old waterproofing
Removing waterproofing
Busy removing waterproofing

Old waterproofing removed
Old waterproofing removed

Possible outcome

Should the waterproofing not be removed and re-done the reinforcing inside the concrete will
start to corrode. This will weaken the roof structure and water seeping thru will cause internal
ceiling damage. The growth of mould will cause medical issues with occupants even


The recommendation in this case, as is in all concrete slab roofs, is to remove the damaged
waterproofing. Then the area should be cleaned of all dust and debris. A new waterproofing
system will only then be able to be installed.  

Decision with customer/owner 
An agreement was struck with the owner and the green light was given to proceed. 

Work commenced

Your step by applying the new waterproofing system is as follows.
Total removal of damaged waterproofing. Removal of dust and debris. The area is cleaned
with a high-power hose. Applying a new bonding agent on top of the concrete slab and the
new waterproofing system as per the manufacturer's specifications. A coat of paint will seal
the waterproofing, protecting it against UV beams.

Sail over the naked area for protection
Sail over the naked area for protection

New waterproofing attached in the background
Removing old waterproofing with new waterproofing attached in the background

Applying new waterproofing
Busy applying new waterproofing


After the application of the new waterproofing system, the building is leak-free. Small
maintenance needs to be done on the waterproofing every 5 years to ensure that it still
serves its purpose. 

Waterproofing in progress
Waterproofing in progress

Waterproofing process in progress
Waterproofing process in progress
Application of waterproofing in progress
Application of waterproofing in progress
Waterproofing before painting
Waterproofing before painting

Finishing the painting process
Finishing the painting process

Waterproofing painted as the final process
Waterproofing painted as the final process
Finished waterproofing and painting
Finished waterproofing and painting

This waterproofing system offers a lifespan of approximately 20 years with a maintenance plan after every 5 years. Tremco offers a 5-year guarantee on all material and workmanship. An extended guarantee every 5 years is issued every 5years with the maintenance plan.