
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How to do Waterproofing on a high pitch tile roof

How to do Waterproofing on a high pitch tile roof


Waterproofing and painting of the tiles on a tile roof is important or they will crack and break easily. Cement tiles tend to deteriorate sooner, as soon as the protective paint wears off, water is absorbed and the tile perish. If the tiles fail and there is no waterproofing on the roof, water will enter the roof and accumulate in the form of moisture (damp). It is when timber will start to rot and mould will grow. When timber rot the roof structure will fail and the roof collapses. Mould, on the other hand, will lead to the occupants to fall ill.

Description of the condition of the property

The protective layer on the tiles of this roof is worn off and the cement filling between the tiles forming the ridge of a roof is separating.


When the cement filling on the ridge of a roof separates water will enter the roof and the damp inside the roof help with the rotting of timber and the growth of mould.

Possible outcome

This classic situation where roof waterproofing and maintenance is left behind lead to cement filling on the ridge of a roof to separate. Water will enter the roof and damage is inevitable. Together with medical expenses, the consequences will cost the owner a pretty penny.


Best to clean the roof, do roof repairs where necessary and the waterproof and paint with UV resistant paint.

Work to be done 

Clean the roof of all dust and debris using a high-power hose. Replace damaged roof tiles and do waterproofing on the roof ridge, flashing and valleys. Seal the roof with quality UV resistant paint.

Waterproofing high roof
Waterproofing high roof

Waterproofing high pitch roof
Waterproofing high pitch roof

Waterproofing tiles on high pitch roof
Waterproofing tiles on high pitch roof


A tile roof that is properly waterproofed and painted lends esthetics to the property.


The occupants can now rest assured that they are properly protected against the elements. Tremco issued a 5-year guarantee certificate on the material and workmanship.

Visit site OR call 0732708270

Friday, June 12, 2020

When to waterproof and paint a tile roof, replace barge boards - Pretoria


Roofs that are not waterproofed will leak. You will find that tile roofs that are not waterproofed and painted regularly will start to break and the tiles will crack. Insufficient and failing waterproofing will cause tiles to separate. Failing waterproofing on the roof will cause water to leak into the roof. Mould growing in your roof as a result of the damp forming inside the roof. The occupants will fall ill. Repairs on the roof will be expensive.

Description of the condition of the property

The owner prevails a strict maintenance plan on his property. Tremco's maintenance team is called out every 5 years when his guarantee expires.


It is easy to tackle small repairs on a roof and replacing of waterproofing material is a breeze.

Possible outcome

If you don't waterproof your roof regularly it will fail and the property falls into ruans.


The roof needs to be washed down, old waterproofing replaced and a fresh coat of paint be applied.

Work was done 

Using a high-pressure hose Tremco's expert maintenance team cleaned the roof of all dust and debris. Waterproofing and barge boards were replaced where necessary. A fresh coat of quality UV resistant paint finished the task.
Flashing waterproofed
Flashing waterproofed

Tile roof waterproofed and painted
Tile roof waterproofed and painted

Painted fascia board
Painted fascia board

Waterproofing of ridge and flashing on the tile roof
Waterproofing of ridge and flashing on the tile roof

Newly painted tile roof
Newly painted tile roof

Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of tile roof.
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of tile roof.


This waterproofed and painted roof will now not only add to the property's esthetics but is good to serve its purpose for the next 5 years.


The occupants can rest assured that they will be protected from the element. A new certificate on the roof covering all material and workmanship was issued by Tremco. The guarantee is for 5 years.

Visit site OR Call 0732708270

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to, Damp proofing, waterproofing and wall coating done - Pretoria


Damp is a danger; it will deteriorate walls and damp proofing walls is important. To ensure the longevity of a wall you need to keep damp (water) away from its inside. A wall that is exposed to damp will slowly dissolve just the same as how a rock dissolves to form caves. Although internal walls can not be neglected it is the external walls of a building that are much more exposed to water in the form of rain. This is why external walls need to be protected by damp proofing.

Description of the condition of the property

The property, a house in the Centurion area, needed damp proofing and a coat of paint urgently. Not only was the previous paint starting to detach from exterior walls but it also showed signs of damp entering it. The interior wall was not in a much better state.


Signs of damp entering and paint damage were visible on exterior walls. On entering the property one could also see similar damage on the inside of the property. It was obvious that the property desperately needed damp proofing and a fresh coat of paint.

Possible outcome

All though this is not a desperate situation, leaving the entry of water to continue for another season could turn out to replace plasterwork. Needles to say, this will skyrocket the cost of repairs drastically. What will also happen is what mould will start growing inside the cracks that are showing. This will have a serious health risk to the occupants.

Suggestion to remedy the situation

Work must commence asap if not rite away. All loose paint must be removed and the walls sanded with sandpaper to prepare the walls for the damp proving. Now damp proofing can be applied and afterwards a fresh coat of the correct paint. Exterior paint for the exterior walls and interior paint for the inside of the property.

Decision with customer/owner 

After a lengthy discussion with the customer, it was made to go ahead with the necessary damp proofing and painting.

Work is undertaken

With scrapers, all lose flakes of paint were removed from all exterior and interior walls. Now we were ready to carefully sand down the walls leaving us with a smooth surface to work on. With proper care, all cracks were filled with the proper filler material which differed for exterior and for interior walls. Again all surfaces were smoothed down with sandpaper. After removing all dust particles the damp proofing could be applied as prescribed by the manufacturer. Then only we were able to apply the correct wall coatings on all services with fresh paint which is different for interior and exterior walls.
Remove old paint from the fence walls
Remove old paint from the fence walls

Prepared house walls fence walls for painting
Prepared house walls fence walls for painting

Prepared fence walls for painting
Prepared fence walls for painting
Outer fence walls repaired for painting
Outer fence walls repaired for painting

Fence walls damp-proofed and painted
Fence walls damp-proofed and painted

House and fence damp-proofed and painted
House and fence damp-proofed and painted
Pool area walls damp-proofed and painted
Pool area walls damp-proofed and painted

House front and fence damp-proofed and painted
House front and fence damp-proofed and painted


After finishing the damp roofing and painting the property is well protected against the weather.


The property is now saved from destruction by the weather. This left the owner with a beautiful esthetic home to be proud of.

Another successful project by Tremco
Visit site OR Call 0732708270

Monday, June 8, 2020

Waterproofing of a zinc roof- Mr Zeeman


A roof needs to be maintained properly. Roofs and everything else on earth will deteriorate after time. The roof rust if not protected and it will let water in. Damp lead to timber rotting and the forming of mould. This will lead to financial consequences and will also lead to medical issues for the occupants.


The reasonably repaired and waterproofed zinc roof is maintained and only needed minor repairs done, waterproofing to be patched up and properly painted for protection.

Possible outcome

There is a point where a roof if left to deteriorate too far will be beyond repair. Replacement of the entire roof will be inevitable.


After some minor repairs on this roof, it then will need waterproofing and UV resistant paint.

Work commenced 

All dust and debris needed to be removed from the roof with a high-pressure hose. The loose material must be removed properly. Redundant waterproofing must be stripped off the roof and then the roof will be sealed with fresh waterproofing. It ensures that no water will penetrate the roof. The roof is then painted with quality UV resistant paint.

Waterproofed zinc roof
Waterproofed zinc roof

Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of a zinc roof
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of a zinc roof


With the work completed the roof will ensure the occupants with protection against the weather. Tremco provides a guarantee on all material and workmanship for 5 years.


With newly waterproofing and painting completed on the roof, it will now serve its purpose of weather protection of the occupants and adding esthetic value to the property.

Visit site or call 0732708270

Saturday, June 6, 2020

How to do waterproofing of concrete roof- Dr Nanita of Centurion


Maintenance on properties with flat concrete roofs tends to be neglected most of the time. Seeing that the weather also plays hectic games with these roofs. Here we are thinking of the sun heating it up and UV beams accelerating the deterioration of waterproofing material. Cracks form and water seeps in forming damp underneath the waterproofing and mould starts to grow.


This site is a textbook example of what happens when maintenance on a concrete roof is neglected. Subsequently, waterproofing will dry out and start to crack. Adding rainwater to the mixture lends to the lifting of such waterproofing. This was exactly what was seen here.


What was found was that years of attack of the sun, as well as UV attack on the waterproof material, dried it out. Cracks formed and water was able to enter. We already see waterproofing lifting and the growth of mould.

Possible outcome

Leaving the decay to carry on will compromise the roof. More mould will grow with the unfortunate medical consequences and expense associated with it.


It was highly recommended that all waterproofing material on the roof be removed. A thorough cleaning process will get rid of any loose particles and dust. The new layer of waterproofing must then be attached to the roof by means of the torch on the process. Applying a UV resistant coat of paint will protect the waterproofing which in turn keeps water away from the concrete.

Decision with customer/owner

With the customer giving the green light work could commence. The team of workers moved in the next day to start.

Work was done

It was a very time-consuming process removing the old redundant waterproofing. The cleaning process commenced as planned. All dust and debris removed and remaining dust washed off with a power hose. Leaving the concrete to dry for a day and came back to finish the job. A new layer of waterproofing was torched on with great care not to leave air pockets. With a fresh coating of UV resistant paint, the torch on waterproofing and the concrete roof was good for some time to come.

Cracked waterproofing on concrete roof
Cracked waterproofing on concrete roof
Water damage  on concrete roof
Water damage  on concrete roof

Preparing of concrete roof  for waterproofing
Preparing of concrete roof  for waterproofing
Removing damaged waterproofing on a concrete roof
Removing damaged waterproofing on a concrete roof

Preparation for waterproofing of a concrete roof
Preparation for waterproofing of a concrete roof 
Waterproofing in progress on a concrete roof
Waterproofing in progress on a concrete roof 
Waterproofing and painting done on a concrete roof
Waterproofing and painting done on a concrete roof 

Concrete roof waterproofed and painted
Concrete roof waterproofed and painted


A concrete roof that was waterproofing and has a fresh coating of paint is a site to see. It will last a long time.


This concrete roof is now ready to face the onslaught of the sun and bad weather alike. With a 5-  year guarantee on all workmanship and materials, the owner was very happy to take the property in possession. Dr Nanita's concrete roof that's been proudly waterproofed, painted and ready for the raining seasons.

Visit site OR Call 0732708270

Thursday, June 4, 2020

How to damp proofing of house - Pretoria


The paint on a house and any other type of property needs to be maintained regularly. After years of neglect, the paint will start to crack and flake. The paint no longer protects the wall and water will enter causing damage to the wall.


This property in Pretoria had flaking of paint for quite some time. Water started penetrating the walls. This will lead to the plasterwork to detach and fall off. Mould will start to grow.


The paint on the exterior walls is forming flakes because of poor to no maintenance of the paint on the walls. Signs of mould growth are starting to show.

Possible outcome

When these exterior walls are left unprotected they will crack and the plasterwork will fail. Rectifying the situation will be very expensive when left for much longer. Mould growth will take place which will compromise the health of the occupants.


Remove paint, fill cracked and replace damaged plaster. Damp-proof exterior walls to ensure that they are watertight. Paint exterior walls with quality UV resistant paint.

Decision made by the customer/owner

The owner agreed to the damp-proofing and painting. Work on the exterior walls could commence.

Work proceeds

Scrape flaking paint from the walls and sand the surface smooth. Fill cracks (these are not structural cracks) with Polyfilla and replace damaged plaster. Sand the area smooth after all has dried. Damp-proof the exterior walls and give them a coat of quality UV resistant paint for protection.

House partly painted
House partly painted

Painting in progress
Painting in progress

Damp-proofing in progress
Damp-proofing in progress

Damp-proofing and painting of a house
Damp-proofing and painting of a house


All flaking paint was removed and damp-proofing was applied to the exterior walls. A coat of UV resistant paint sealed the wall from any damage by the weather. This will keep water out of the walls and no mould growth can take place.


The property is now well protected against the weather. The occupants can rest assured that they can occupy the property without fear of the weather and health consequences.

Damp-proofing of a house in Pretoria. Visit site OR Call 0732708270

Monday, June 1, 2020

How to waterproofing a low pitch tile roof - Valhalla


Tile roofs need to be taken care of and maintenance on them are an ongoing task, whether they are hi-pitch or low pitch roofs. The sun heats up the roof and that not only contribute to the deterioration thereof but after a while leave openings for water to penetrate.  Where there is damp, mould will form and that leads to medical issues.

This low pitch tile roof repair needs some patch up. With rain, water started to seep into the roof

Waterproofing must be patched up and replaced at some places. The frequently maintained property was dew for a makeover. A coat of fresh paint will seal it off and it will be good for another 5 years.

Possible outcome
It is best to keep to a well-organised maintenance plan. It will ensure that one does not run into any problems, no surprises to catch you off guard.

Although it is highly recommended to stick to the maintenance schedule here we have to renew all waterproofing membranes and paint all surfaces.

Work was done
The roof needs to be cleaned with a high-pressure hose before any work can commence. Defects not previously seen will be exposed now. All dust and debris will be removed from the surface. Remove any cracked or loose membrane and the surfaces can then be waterproofed again. Waterproofing of valleys, flashing and plumbers vents must be done thoroughly. A fresh layer of quality UV resistant paint will protect the waterproofing and the rest of the roof alike.

Roof repairs tile roof
Roof repairs tile roof
Roof repairs
Roof repairs

Waterproofing tile roof
Waterproofing tile roof
Waterproofing on a tile roof
Waterproofing on a tile roof
Painted tile roof
Painted tile roof

Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting tile roof
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting tile roof

With all flashing, plumbers' vents and valleys waterproofed with a membrane, damp forming inside the roof was restricted. The new paint not only protects the roof but adds to the aesthetics of the property.

This well-executed maintenance contract ensures that the occupants are safe against the weather.

Tremco, We did it right.
Visit site or Call 0732708270